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Showing posts from April, 2019

YouTube time traveler says he has a photo of a T. rex—with purple feathers

Forget about seeing dinosaurs in the future. This supposed YouTube time traveler wants to show you a photo of a dinosaur he says he took 60 million years ago. Is it fake? Almost assuredly so. Does that even matter if the supposed time traveler has a good story to tell? Not according to the millions of fans, thrill-seekers, and conspiracy theorists who have turned time travel into a popular YouTube genre. So, let’s dive in to this nameless time traveler with a pixelated face and a foreign-sounding accent who consented to an interview with YouTube channel ApexTV. Here’s the full video (the time traveler doesn’t begin showing the photo until about 15 minutes have passed). This time traveler was first featured on the ApexTV channel in 2018. Since that time, he said he returned to his home year of 2082—this is a little unusual since most of the people featured on this channel don’t admit to time traveling in between YouTube appearances—before journeying back to 2019 to show us the pictur